Legal Notice
This site is the property of Wolfberger, a variable-capital agriculture cooperative.

This site is the property of Wolfberger, a variable-capital agriculture cooperative registered with the SIRET number 775 642 275 000 17 and domiciled 6 Grand Rue – CS 60001 – EGUISHEIM, 68927 WINTZENHEIM CEDEX.
Conception and production : Diatem.
Legal information
This site was conceived, produced and developed, and is hosted by, Diatem, a limited liability company (LLC) with capital of €200,000. The head office is located at 2 rue de Dublin, Schiltigheim 67300, France, and is registered at the Trade and Companies Register in Strasbourg under number 2002 B 1091, SIRET code 443 355 987 00045, NAF code 722C.
Terms of Use
This site is intended to provide you with information about the Wolfberger company and its links with different internet sites. This site is the property of Wolfberger. Its publication manager is Mr. Bertrand Dufour.
Protection of Intellectual property rights and trademarks
All the site content that you listen to or read, including the site itself, is protected by copyright law. You may not use, distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, alter or port the site or any of the site content, including text, images or sound, without advance written authorization from Wolfberger. The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are the property of Wolfberger or are subject to authorized use. No license or right pertaining to any of this material can be granted without written authorization from Wolfberger or the third party holding the copyright or logo appearing on the site. Wolfberger reserves the right to take legal action for any act of infringement of intellectual property rights, including criminal prosecution.
Photo and image copyright
The images or photographs of people or places appearing on this site are the property of Wolfberger and/or are used by Wolfberger with the agreement of those holding the rights. Use of the images or photographs is forbidden without specific authorization from Wolfberger. Any unauthorized use may result in breach of copyrights, image and individual copyrights or any other regulations applicable to communication, advertising or publicity.
Wolfberger is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunctions resulting from access to or use of this site, including any injury, loss or damage to your equipment. We shall have no liability for any viruses that could infect your computer equipment or any other property. While Wolfberger makes reasonable efforts to update all the information published on the site, Wolfberger cannot be held responsible for any error or omission.
Limitation of liability and indemnity
Wolfberger or any other party involved in or affiliated with the website cannot be held responsible for damages, direct, indirect or other, that could result from access to or use of the site or information appearing therein. You will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Wolfberger and its subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, representatives, license holders or anyone involved in the creation, production and distribution of the site, against any claims, liabilities, costs and expenses resulting from the breach of these conditions of use or related to your use of the site.
Privacy Policy
Personal data is “information in whatever form that permits, directly or indirectly, the identification of physical persons to whom they apply.” (Extract from article 4 , Act no. 78-17, January 6 1978). For example:
– name,
– address,
– telephone number,
– e-mail address.
“Cookies” allow this site to collect information when you connect. This means that the site configuration is defined on your computer and thus everyone using your computer will have the identical site configuration.
Information collection and use of your personal data – Communication to third parties
By using this site you agree to our use of the personal data that you provide or that is collected via the functioning of the site. This information is necessary for contacting you, notably for newsletters, and to provide you certain services offered by the site. In accordance with the Act of 6 January 1978, you are entitled to access, modify or to delete this personal information. These rights can be exercised by contacting us by e-mail at:, or by sending a letter to Wolfberger, 6 Grand’Rue, Eguisheim 68420 France.
The site automatically collects information about the pages that interest you most, in order to set up analyses and statistics so as to better know your interests and your wishes. Subject to the results, we can send you targeted information about your interests. To do this, we may use “cookies”. We may share this personal information, with the exception of your e-mail address, to a third party of our choice, such as service providers or suppliers who contribute to the supplies and services offered. Sharing this information with suppliers and service providers may be necessary in order to deliver the services. You may prevent the disclosure of that information to a third party by e-mail and/or by a letter addressed to Wolfberger.
Concerning your e-mail address
By providing your e-mail address, you allow Wolfberger to contact you by e-mail, sending newsletters and any other information concerning our products and services. If you do not wish to receive these e-mails, you can unsubscribe at any moment by clicking on the link provided with each newsletter.
Furthermore, we can share your e-mail address with third parties who may contact you by e-mail with unsolicited messages. You can contact us at any moment, notably by e-mail, to ask that we stop giving your e-mail address to others.
In accordance with French law, the information can be disclosed by Wolfberger to a physical person, legal entity or official body having the right to ask for it. Wolfberger creates from its user information (personal and other data) statistical analyses for its own use. The resulting data is aggregated and thus completely anonymous. Wolfberger could eventually give or sell them to a third party.
Subscribing to the Wolfberger newsletter
You can subscribe to the Wolfberger newsletter at the website. The newsletter is intended to inform you of our services and new Wolfberger products. You can ask the site concerned to unsubscribe you at any moment, by clicking on “Unsubscribe” or any other similar link. The conditions of use of your personal data are determined by each particular site. We also ask that you read the terms and conditions of each of the sites concerned.
What are “cookies”?
“Cookies” are small files sent by a site manager to the hard disk of the internet user, allowing the site manager to identify and memorize the user during his next visit to the site. Wolfberger may need to use “cookies” in order to collect information during your visit to our site. This will allow us to know which parts of the site most interest you; Wolfberger can then better direct your next visit depending on your needs and desires. These “cookies” will also prevent you from having to provide a second or third time information already given, to the extent that they remember you already gave the information at an earlier date. You can detect the presence of “cookies” at any time and, when desired, delete them.
Links to affiliates and others
Wolfberger has links from its site to other sites, some affiliates and some not. These sites are independent of our site. Wolfberger cannot edit these sites and cannot monitor them. The links to other sites do not indicate approval of or partnership between Wolfberger and those sites. Accordingly, Wolfberger cannot be responsible for their content, their products, their advertising or any other content or service presented on the site. We remind you that affiliated or non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms and conditions of use and policies concerning protection of one’s private data.
Applicable law
This site is subject to French law. How to contact us if you have questions about this policy ? This policy is intended to protect your private data, so please give us your comments. If it appears that your data wasn’t dealt with as you would have wished during your visit to our site, please let us know; we will reply as soon as possible. If you don’t want to be contacted after a visit to the Wolfberger site, send a letter to Wolfberger, 6 Grand’Rue, Eguisheim 68420 France or send an e-mail to If you want to verify, correct or update personal information given to us, write us. Wolfberger will do everything we can to help you out.
Change in conditions
Wolfberger reserves the right to modify or, more generally, to update these general conditions at any time, without prior notice. We ask you to check them regularly. The last modification was 22 March 2013.