Régis SYDA
Régis is technical manager for research and development at the Wolfberger distillery,

Régis Syda, technical manager for R&D at the Wolfberger distillery, heads up a team of around 20 people. With the company since 1994, he has had most of the jobs concerning winemaking. In fact, it was as a cellarer that he did his first grape harvest.
His history in Wolfberger
His career in the group began as Vinification manager at the Vieil Armand winery from 1996 to 2006, then vinification manager at the Jux Winery from 2007 to 2009, and manager of the fermenting facilities at Eguisheim from 2010 to 2011.
Régis has now taken over at the Wolfberger distillery in Colmar where he is the R&D technical manager. He tracks all the stages of distilling and is guardian of all the recipes, from the traditional to the most modern. He’s the one who invents new alcohols, new liqueurs and even new cocktails.
His mission: to continue our tradition while making room for creativity.
“The colors of ripe fruit, the smells, the tastes…in this job, all your senses are awakened, even the sense of touch. Take a distiller’s hand in yours: the skin is tough from contact with red-hot stills. It’s a passionate job that uses our historical recipes, all very precisely lined up in our safe, which is our workshop’s faithful and long-lived guardian of memory. The Alsace Eaux-de-Vie made from white fruit is our heritage. We have the know-how for it, what our ancestors taught us. We need to perpetuate their know-how, and I ‘m here to guarantee that it gets done. For the trendier liqueurs, it’s another story. There, we become creators; we imagine tastes that don’t yet exist. We rely on tradition to create the future. You also have to be a step ahead of the expectations of the great chefs and pastry makers, to understand the modern era and modern consumers, to surprise and charm our clients with new tastes, sometimes quite short-lived. That’s how we imagine the original preparations that will make their creations even more beautiful. Guardians of tradition as well as inventors of the future, we would be nothing without the fruit that our orchardists bring us. I would like to see the bond between them and the distillery grow even stronger and, especially, see a new generation come to share its know-how with our team, and invent in their turn new, secret aromas.”